A collection of information and links from reliable websites on how to care for newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Helpful information on menus, meal plans, cooking tips and much more.

It is important to seek reliable information when learning about newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. We have assembled a list of trustworthy online resources to help you learn more. Be sure to follow up with your personal healthcare provider for individualized care and treatment. You will want to start out learning the basics of diabetes and how to care for yourself. Don't forget to check out how to find a diabetes education program nearby. Support groups are invaluable!
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General Info and Overview
- Overview of Type 2 Diabetes- American Diabetes Assn
- 7 Diabetes Survival Skills- Easyhealth Living
- I have Type 2 Diabetes- Now What?-A checklist of top priorities when you find out you have type 2 diabetes via Easyhealth Living.
- Focus on Diabetes- A Basic Online Course about Diabetes for the Newly Diagnosed-A free online course which reviews 9 diabetes related topics -University of Georgia."Focus on Diabetes is an online interactive set of lessons on diabetes self management. These are self-guided lessons that an individual can complete at any time from any computer. These are a great resource to start with for someone that is newly diagnosed or someone that might need a refresher."
- Easy to Understand Diabetes Info on Various Topics-Learning About Diabetes is a websight devoted to providing free diabetes information in an easy to understand format.
- Cornerstones 4 Care is an extensive free library of diabetes topics and helpful info via Novo Nordisc.
- 3 Ways You Cab Take Charge of Type 2 Diabetes- Self care tips from Easyhealth Living.
- Diabetes Emergency Plan- Diabetes Self Management-Know what diabetes related items to have on hand in case of an emergency.
- Find a diabetes education program in your area via American Assn of Diabetes Educators.
- Find a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist via Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Recipes, Menus, Meal Plans and Cooking Tips
Meal planning can be a challenge for those with newly diagnosed diabetes and their family members. The following list includes sample menus, cooking tips and other info to help you.
Sample Menus and Meal Plans
- Diabetes Menus for Various Calorie Levels--Free sample menus from University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences
- Easy Diabetes Diet Menus- Menu Me!-A link to the Easyhealth Living Amazon ebook of easy to follow diet menus perfect for the person with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Also includes a grocery shopping guide.
- 28 Day Diabetes Diet Meal Planner- Menu Me! Lower Carb Menus & Easy Recipes-Link to the Easyhealth Living Amazon ebook which contains a month of menus for various carb levels including 30gm carb/meal, 45gm carb/meal and 60gm carb/meal. Includes easy recipes.
Carb Counting and Portion Control
- Carbohydrate Info-Mt Sinai info related to carbs
- What does 200 calories look like?
- What does 20gm carbohydrate look like?
- Printable Weight Loss Progress Chart-A printable weight loss chart from the 3 fat chicks websight.
- 10 Best Diabetes Friendly Breakfast Ideas- Breakfast recipes from Easyhealth Living
- 2o Diabetes Friendly Breakfast Recipes from SparkPeople
- 15 Keto Low Carb Breakfasts that Will Make You a Morning Person
- 19 Diabetes Low Carb Meals You Can (Almost) Make Without A Recipe
- 26 More Diabetes Low Carb Meals You Can (Almost) Make Without A Recipe
- Cauliflower Fried Rice with Chicken
- Steak Quesadilla
- Beef and Veggie Chili Diabetes Friendly
- 10 Best Diabetes Friendly Dinner Ideas
- 7 Must Try Low Carb Chicken Recipes
- 7 Best Diabetes Friendly Pizza Recipes
- 10 Diabetes Friendly Snacks- research based diabetes snack ideas from Easyhealth Living
- 30 Lower Carb Snack Ideas
Cooking Tips
- 15 Diabetes Friendly Cooking Tips
- 15 Simple Cooking Tips for Your Diabetes Diet
- Cooking A Meal for a Friend with Diabetes
- Top 10 Comfort Foods Made Diabetes Friendly
- Top 10 Foods for a Diabetes Friendly Pantry- tips on diabetes pantry essentials
Dining Out
- Dining Out and Diabetes- Links to all the popular restaurant nutrition info via Easyhealth Living.
Self Care, Monitoring and Exercise
- Blood Glucose Meter Chart- from Diabetes Health
- 5 Things you Can do Each Morning to Help Control Type 2 Diabetes-daily diabetes care tips from Easyhealth Living
- Exercise Overview- exercise tips from American Diabetes Assn.
- Physical Activity and Diabetes- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics info on exercise
- Blood Glucose Monitoring from Centers for Disease Control
- Diabetes Control and A1C -information on A1C blood test and diabetes care from Easyhealth Living
- Know Your Blood Sugar Numbers: Use Them to Manage Your Diabetes from US Dept of Health and Human Services
- How To Support A Friend or Family Member with Diabetes
Help with Insurance, Diabetes Supplies
- Available diabetes resources from American Diabetes Assn.
- Financial Help for Diabetes Care - websites that help paying for diabetes medicines and supplies from US Dept of Health and Human Services
- How to Get Diabetes Drugs for Free from diaTribe.
Support Groups
- Connect with a Diabetes Support Group from dlife
- Taking Part in a Diabetes Group in Diabetes Spectrum
Remember to check in with your personal health care provider to get individualized care and treatment plans just right for you. Make a list of questions and concerns to share with your diabetes care team.
How much does this cost
Hi Patricia,
Most of these links are to free resources to help with diabetes control. Some links are to ebooks which may have a small fee. Another good resource is your local hospital which can provide help including a Registered Dietitian for individual care. Thanks for visiting Easyhealth Living!
Delores` Reedy
I have just been diagnosed as pre diabetic. Is this the information that will help me remain at pre and hopefully reverse this diagnose?
Thanks for your question. I suggest contacting your doctor and ask for a referral to see a registered dietitian so you can get some individualized meal plans and tips for diabetes prevention. Most hospitals and some clinics provide outpatient diet education. Hope this helps you!
Sidney Vanderhoef
Only wanna say that this is very beneficial, Thanks for taking your time to write this